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UK's Challenger 2 triumphs in Nato tank competition
Brit ‘sniper’ Challenger 2 tank blasts Russian invaders from 3 miles away on Ukraine frontline
Shut up about the Challenger 2
How are British Challenger 2 tanks being used by Ukraine?
Why Doesn't Any Country Buy the Challenger 2 Tank? The Problem is Just One Detail
Challenger 2 MBT Tank Promotional Video
Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank RAW ENGINE SOUNDS
Challenger 2 Actually SUCKS! The Most Overrated Tank
Challenger 2 ultralight off field landing. 180 mile trip
Why the UK Challenger Tank is So Hot Right Now
Challenger 2 Tank How it Works - with Chobham Armour and Iron Fist
Tank Chats #92 | Challenger 2: Full Length | The Tank Museum